Monday, January 19, 2015

No Good Year

I can't say I've had a good year so far. I feel a lot of negativeness.

First off my supervisor Kristen has put in her two weeks and quit. We all went to Social on 01/16 for her last day party. From what she tells me there was just too much pressure and something finally pushed her over the edge, she couldn't do it anymore. I don't like that. A bad place to work uses up every ounce of everything from a person and then discards them. A good place cares for their employees and makes sure they are happy and healthy and taken care of so they can do the best job possible. I wish her the best but I need to worry about myself and my family. I know they are not going to promote me to her job but I figured if I can help with as much as I can hopefully they can help me in return. If not we'll have to see who will. I"m going to need a bunch of money to pay for things (see below) and I am not yet where I think I need to be here.

Apparently the boy is still missing school because of this whole big thing with his mother's van. This started before Xmas break and is still going on. I don't know what the problem is over there or why in the hell does it persist for so long. Obviously it ended up me being the one that had to throw money at the problem to resolve it. I sent a letter to the boy's school to make sure they knew what was going on and there were things out of our control that we were doing our best to maintain.


  • At the end of January the car insurance is due. That's a grand. 
  • This stupid high interest loan needs paid off as soon as possible. We have to pay that off to start with the mortgage stuff and building our house. 
  • The baby is coming. It's going to cost a fortune to have and to keep since we both work. Ale is hesitant about asking Aunt Dee about babysitting. 
  • We will probably have to pay a little bit when we file our taxes instead of getting money back because last year was a year that she claimed the boy. 
  • Now Chuck has raised our rent like $80 a month out of nowhere.  
I am not enthusiastic about our financial future.

One day Ale got really upset when she felt the baby was not moving enough. I know at one point they told us 8x in 8 hours and then I think it upgraded to 10x in 1 hour twice a day. Well she didn't feel it was moving enough and got super upset which then upset me. Luckily the doctor was the next day and when I kept pressing her about it she seemed to think if she paid attention that the baby was moving enough. We brought it up to the doctor and she suggested to take an hour off and just sit there and pay attention. Apparently everything is okay now but that was a scare I didn't need.

I had Majora's Mask 3D pre-ordered on 3DS as soon as it was available to do so. One day I came home and read on the internet that there was going to be a Limited Edition version with an awesome Skull Kid statue. I checked the websites but it sold out in less than 2 hours. I kept poking around and even visited a store to check but apparently that was the stock. It's gone now. I am not very happy that I was not given a shot at buying this as I most certainly would have.
Also a new wave of amiibos have been announced so I have to worry about getting my order in before they all disappear again. I need to keep my collection at 'obtaining one of every single one available'. This is not a fun game to play. Me and my stupid possessions should not cause me such anguish.

I got ripped off at least twice so far this year on food purchases. I swear I have always checked my receipts but I must not be doing a great job lately. That and I don't like the conflict of bringing it up to somebody.
It took me 3 years to fully fill a punch card for Brooklyn's Pizza to get a free X-Large pizza. I finally went to cash it in and ordered a pizza and wings. Somehow that order came out to $22. Somehow I got ripped off there.
We stopped at Sheetz just the other day to get food for the boy who was home alone after school while we were at the party for Kristen. I got him a thing of popcorn chicken and fries. It came out to $13. Somehow the lady added all these coffees on my receipt and only minused off one or two so I ended up paying for one or two. WTF!? I must be more vigilant in stopping and checking my receipt after I buy something and say something if I notice it's wrong.

Blair is still having trouble with MaryJo and it seems that whole thing may be done with. It all starting with drinking and her kids were worried she was partying too much. (Yeah thanks for interfering in a grown couples business kids) So it started out they both quit then I noticed at family gatherings she was allowed to drink but he wasn't. Then I hear he could drink if she drank with him but not by himself. Sounds like a bunch of crap to me. You can't make someone stop doing something if they don't want to. Especially if you feel you can do whatever you want. So he drank by himself one day and she flipped. He took it very hard and the decision was made to leave. I had to help him this past weekend get all the crap out of his house and to a place out in Ligonier by his buddy and funny enough his first ex-wife's sister (who recognized me!).  He seemed to be in a daze the whole time. I feel bad but you don't want to have to deal with shit like that. The best part was when she came out screeching what a horrible inconvenience this was for her. Seems like you made the right decision Blair.

Health-wise I had a crazy thing going on with my right ear for a few days. I was hearing out of it very strangely in a way that I have never experienced before. Some people said I was getting an ear infection, others said it was just ear wax. I tried to clean it out then Ale bought me some drops and a few days later it seems to be okay but it was still worrisome to me.

Anyway some of things are bad, some may only seem bad to me but damn if you compile them up like this I truly am not having a good year so far. I need to focus, do what I can to fix what I can and not worry about the rest. Here's hoping this is the worst that I have to worry about for a while and that the rest of the year turns out to be a good one that moves my life forward and especially that the baby is born healthy and happy.