Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Trail Fest 2015

Apparently I have evolved into a cyclist. My goals is to ride 500 miles this year.

Here are some links to some of the places I go. Hopefully I'll come back and clean this up a bit.







Tuesday, May 5, 2015

My GMO stance

I see this big controversy regarding GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) and I wanted to state my case, how I see it at this point. I see some benefits but for right now I am against them because I see abuse. 

When I say I'm non-GMO I mean the kind that is sprayed and bred with poison so when they spray it with other poison to kill the weeds/bugs it doesn't also die. That shit cant' be good for you and from everything I read it's not. 
I'm not against the type where they change something genetically in the seed/plant/fruit to make it better in a non-poison-resisting way. I think people lump these differences together and it can be confusing when the subject comes up for discussion.

I understand the benefits of the second type and I believe the goals strived for by those are worthy and necessary but only if it is done in an open, transparent way that has been fully tested and approved by the FDA or USDA. This assumes the organization is not paid off by corporations by stocking it with lobbyists and former employees and fully understands the consequences to the people to which it serves. Unfortunately I don't see a lot of that. I see corporate profits put above health concerns. 

Here is some more reading you can do on the subject: What You Need To Know About GMOs

I also don't understand the resistance these companies have to labeling these products. As far as I know if any company ever has made an improvement to a product or created a new product they wish to sell, THEY TELL EVERYONE! They spent countless dollars getting the word out via advertising. They shove it down your throat and throw it in your face until you give in. What is happening here is the exact opposite and why wouldn't a normal person be suspicious. These companies are doing everything they can to keep people in the dark about it. They don't want you to know which products contain GMOs and which do not. They are suing cities and states that are trying to inform the public with labeling laws to try and stop them. Why in the world would someone do that? If these products are so great and everyone should want them then why hide this fact? I absolutely do not trust this and neither do most countries besides the US as it is banned in countries across the world but obviously money talks here and if you can pay off the right people you can circumvent the people's health concerns. 

To Label Or Not To Label

In short I do not agree that this generation of people should be guinea pigs for these corporations to test the effects of these crops on people. We can wait a few more years until you perfect it before you roll it out and avoid giving everyone cancer. How will you make money if you kill off everyone?

No Consensus