Monday, February 15, 2016

Date Night for a Cause

This weekend went pretty well. It was Valentine's Day and Ale's birthday. I found that the Westmoreland Heritage Trail (WHT) was holding a fundraiser and because it was on Feb 13th I thought that would be an airtight argument on why we should go. Due to my introversion I rarely thrust myself out there for strange events I don't know anything about but I needed a date night plan and I wanted to help the cause so in this case I was able to successfully overcome.

We picked up the tickets at the Lamplighter a few weeks prior and then just waited. Besides my mom playing silly babysitting games there was no drama. The event was held at the Delmont Fire Hall. I've never been there but I guessed it was probably like most other fire halls and I was correct. It was filled with folding tables and chairs. I mean packed in there. It was a pain to have to get up and go somewhere because you really had to squeeze around.

I had every intention of participating in the fundraising part but I didn't really do anything. They had baskets you could buy tickets for and they ran at least 3 50/50's as well. I'm sure they made a bunch of money which is good. We tried to sit as far away from everyone as we could. Our table did seem to end up being the table of the stragglers. We didn't really talk to anyone at all.

The food was fine. We were starving so maybe that had something to do with it. Chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes and a piece of cake. Wow has it really been that long since I had mashed potatoes? It was cash bar so I did grab a couple drinks while we there.

The main thing we were waiting for were the professional comedians. They continued to advertise it like that without saying who they were. That was such a broad definition it was funny. That turned out to be okay too. The first guy I never heard of Ray Zawodni. He was all right. The headlining guy I heard of Mike Wysocki. He is always on the radio on DVE. He was funnier. I am pretty sure I laughed a bunch of times.

I was getting super tired towards the end and I wanted to leave. They were still doing stuff when he finished his set but we were out of there. We had to stop at Walmart and get some stuff before we went home. Not a perfect date but at least a realistic one. Ale seemed to be pleased by everything. I wanted it to be awesome as hell for her and I felt she found it acceptable. Now I have some time to come up with another idea for our next date.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

It's getting better - Home Automation

I have this lamp that you have to lean over this table to turn it off and on. I was getting sick of it and it got worse when there were babby toys everywhere and you couldn't even stand close enough to reach. Isn't there a way I can just turn it off and on with my phone? I checked the internet and two days later I had a possible $20 solution in hand; Orbivo S20. You plug it into the wall and plug the thing you want to control into that. The set up did take a minute as one confirmation messages did not make sense but it wasn't too hard to figure out. There's just a big button on the app to turn it off and on. Beauty!
There are also options for timers and countdowns. So far I like it a lot. I am all about the home automation thing.