Sunday, November 14, 2010

Is This Enough?

To say I had a productive week last week (WE 11/13) would be an understatement. If accomplishing all of this doesn't make me feel good about myself then what the hell do I need to do?
  • Finally after months of having the same basic conversation with myself about what I would say to get them to drop these bogus charges I went to my lawyers office to discuss the matter with them. They didn't even want to hear my carefully constructed, overly repeated story of the events they went straight to what my last offer would have been: Pay what I think the remaining balance is and I'm clear. I did so.
  • I also asked them about this other BS that WM County is trying to collect off me. Probation charges from 15 years ago. They seem to think that it may cost me more to pay them then to pay the charges. I'd rather that happen than the county think they can push people around like that.
  • I put off my grocery shopping way too long and was out of stuff. I took care of that.
  • I've been good at keeping up with my bills but I've just been stacking up the papers afterwards. I finally took this mountain of paper and properly filed it away in its correct folder and cleaned up that mess.
  • I haven't backed up my new movies since at least September. Since Ale and I had made enough progress on the MovieDB, I accomplished this task as well. Moved them all to the external back up drive and logged them in the new DB.
  • I did two days worth (4 lessons) of Spanish learning.
  • I called about this medical bill thing I was having issues with. They quit sending me the bill for the balance remaining on my MRI from last year.
  • I called the karate place to get the scoop so we can get Isaac going on that.
  • I called HR about my new job and what was going on with it and when was it going to start.
  • Nate was down at Bakery Square doing some work and I met up with him and we found the geocache that I couldn't find before (Joe's Got Your Back).
  • I called Bushy Run about my geocache. Do I have permission to hide it there? (I still don't have an answer)
  • We also found 5 other geocaches on Saturday and my first travel bug.
  • We went to Lowes and Isaac built a periscope. (We also found out that in December they will be doing 3 train cars and Stephanie said as long as we sign up she will grab them for us on the days we can't make it)
  • We also built the Funhouse Mirror that he got during Trick or Treating after we got home from Lowes.
  • I helped Chuck with repairs to his shed so he can store some stuff in it for winter.
  • We got Isaac's school pictures for 1st grade and his report card (Grade-wise: Great, Behavior-wise: Meh)
  • The stuff I ordered for my family for Xmas started arriving. I should have everything taken care of and paid for well beforehand.
  • The Pens and Fleury have been winning.
  • I signed Isaac up with an email address (I did this before but I forgot the password and Google will not release it to me) and thus I was able to create for him a PSN account he can get credit for his trophies he earned himself.
  • I read Isaac all the stories in his newest Highlights magazine and helped him do the puzzles and games.
  • And most amazingly enough I had a productive conversation with Lisa and maybe I can finally getting the rest of my stuff (vgs) off of her.
Wow that does seem like a lot of good things that happened this week. :D

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