Sunday, November 4, 2012

Politics 2012 Pre

These are some of the articles, news stories, etc I've read this election season.


2012/11/06 Welcome to Election Day: Seven Things That Could Go Wrong (or Already Have)

2012/11/05 Romney or Obama? As campaigning ends, voters render verdict

2012/11/05 Why Romney Is Unfit for the Presidency

2012/11/05 Top Ten Coming Disasters: Romney’s America 2016

2012/11/02 Mitt Romney’s campaign insults voters

2012/11/01 This should tell you all you need to know right here.

2012/10/28 If not then this? 

2012/10/23 If The World Picked U.S. President, Election Would Be A Blowout

2012/10/22 DEBATE #3

2012/10/21 Mitt Romney is the Executioner Who is Leading His Supporters to the Gallows

2012/10/18 Defeat Romney, Without Illusions about Obama

2012/10/17 DEBATE #2 

2012/10/16 Candy Crowley Fact Checks Mitt Romney On Libya (VIDEO)

Rachel Maddow pre2nd debate analysis


2012/10/08 Five Practical Reasons Not To Vote Republican

2012/10/03 DEBATE #1 

2012/10/01 Tough Talk for America: A Guide to the Presidential Debates You Won’t Hear

2012/09/24 TV Stations Accept Political Ad Cash -- and Leave Viewers in the Dark

2012/09/12 Obama’s Way

2012/08/13 GOP strategy

2012/09/05 Democratic National Convention 2012
At least check out the Bill Clinton speech if not Obama's as well.

2012/08/30 Republican National Convention 2012
Clint Eastwood talks to a chair

2012/06/27 First Thoughts: Steady as she goes

2012/01/11 Shows his Flip flopping stances.

2011/12/07 The Obama we’ve been waiting for 

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Republican Bigotry Hate Fear Lies and Distortion

Stop Telling Lies About Liberals And We'll Stop Telling The Truth About You
Civil Disobedience
One Million Strong Against Mitt Romney in 2012
Right Off A Cliff

Friday, October 26, 2012

So I guess you could say...

Well I believe we have achieved another goal. Ale got her 'Welcome to Employment at MSA' letter yesterday. She starts working at where I work on November 5th. I think when she still was living in Argentina trying to get all the paperwork to move up here I dreamed about how cool that would be. We could get up together and drive in together saving on gas. Now it's a reality and it's kind of weird. I guess maybe I never thought that would actually be a reality. She was getting way better job opportunities from other places. If she can make more money I definitely want her to go for it. I do think it's good she starts here. If she ends up not getting another offer for 6 months at least she's working here making money for 6 months rather than nothing. She will also be learning to drive (because she sucks at it now). That way she will be able to get to a job by herself. Since she works with me we'll drive together and that won't need to be a concern for a while.
It took some doing to make this happen. When she became eligible to work I referred her here to a bunch of jobs here and they said 'not a good fit'. GTFO She's smarter than me. She could be doing any one of those jobs. I had to give her resume to my boss Terry and have her shop Ale around before she got a hit. It's weird because it turns out it was Randy Rubash that hired her. That's the guy that hired me in the first place. He got me out of that crap job I had at WMTR and into the Miller group. That wasn't too much better but at least it was more work involving what I got my degree in and it was my foot in the door. I sort of don't like that she had to settle for Data Analyst but at least it's something. She's going to be working now and making money and our life should improve. I won't have to worry as much about supporting us all and she can start socking it away to pay for Pax and Bunneh Manor. So I guess you could say we're living the dream. It definitely sounds better and romantic than it feels in real life but I know I should be thankful and I am. I know when I look back later in life this will be an important moment.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Too Much Rain

On Sept 18th it rained. It rained badly. It was coming down like crazy and the streets were flooded. I usually don't bring an umbrella with me to work. I will put my hood up and make due but today I brought an umbrella so for some reason I though that would do me just fine. Unfortunately it wasn't the rain coming down that I really had to worry about. It was the rain that had already fallen and collected on the ground in vast bodies of water. I got to the parking lot, popped the umbrella open and started walking. I think was not even 3 minutes away from my car when I first got the suspicion that this was not a good idea yet my stubbornness to walk and get my steps for the day made me press on. The further I went the more I agreed with my original theory. Even the sidewalks were deep pools of water. I could tell my socks were getting wet and so were the bottoms of my pants. It was slow going and it got more miserable as I went. I started coming up with excuses for what I could call my bosses and say. A car drove past and splashed me would work. Yet I kept going. By the time I got there it was ridiculous. I took off my shoes and wrung them out in my trash can. I collected a good amount of water. There was no way I could work in this all day. Luckily Ale suggested I go down the street to the Target and get new clothes. That was a great idea and that's what I did. I got a pack of socks, new boots (which I needed anyway) and even a pair of pants (which I ended up taking back later because I got a size too small). I was too stubborn to ride the shuttle and that was a mistake. I did learn though because not even 2 days later I walked out of work ready to go home and it was pouring again. This time I made a good decision and got on the shuttle. I guess I can learn from experience.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Great Accomplishment

I have to say that I've achieved something great in my life. Maybe the best thing ever. When Alejandra tells me everyday how happy I make her it just makes me feel as if it's the greatest thing in the universe. I hope that never stops.

Monday, August 27, 2012

A Note from the Past

I still feel really bad this blog has gone downhill. I know tons of awesome stuff has happened that I would have loved to write about so I could remember from the unique perspective of 'what I was thinking at the time'. It is unfortunate that I have missed a lot of those opportunities. I guess I have been too busy having the greatest time of my life with my wife, Alejandra. I went to Buenos Aires again at the end of April and then she came back with me. We got married on June 8th. I sometimes can't contemplate how I ever found someone so awesome or why the hell she likes me but I'm slowly getting used to it.

Here is a list of some of the stuff that has gone on this year
  • Our first social event as a married couple (the day after our wedding), Anne & Ryan's wedding
  • She is a pro couponeer. We've saved a ton of money on food already
  • She has helped me with my health and losing weight by identifying things I shouldn't eat as much and by preparing me pre-made homemade lunches to take to work
  • She can make Red Lobster cheddar biscuits like a boss
  • We helped my dad and family move out of the house on Loving Road
  • We went to the NHL Draft together
  • We took the boy to his first concert, Phish
  • We went to lots of parks and met our friends and went swimming and had picnics
  • We set up our home network
  • Took a swimming vacation back to my dad's after they were settled in from moving
  • She accompanied me to The Legend of Zelda : Symphony of the Goddesses
  • We bought a brand new car together (my first ever, 2012 Toyota Prius)
  • She is still trying to help me learn Spanish
  • We made fondue and drank wine
  • We often play the same iPhone games at the same time as well try and beat and trophy PS3 games together
  • We took the boy to Idewild for the Credit Union's Family Picnic day. The lifeguard jumped in the wave pool to fish him out. Was that really necessary?
  • We went disc golfing with an old Miller co-worker buddy. 
    I will never finish this post because the things just keep piling up so I'll just stop here. The best part is how she constantly tells me how happy she is. I'll never get used to how awesome that makes me feel.