Thursday, January 31, 2013

Giant Eagle would not make our cake

Our one co-worker in our group at work ended up interviewing for a position in another group within our same company and got the position. We were sad to see him go as we were all close to him and he was a good friend. The usual protocol in this situation is to use our regular weekly meeting time the last week he will be with us to have a nice party with a cake and tell him we'll miss him, etc. You know that kind of thing. Well it just so happens I was surfing the internet or something and somehow this picture popped up to me which just happened to relate to me and the current situation.

I thought it was funny so I sent it around to the group in an emailing saying something like 'Ha ha this is hilarious, we should get dude this kind of cake for his going-away thing'. I wasn't entirely serious. I just wanted to share the joke with everyone. I did not expect that almost everyone responded with an overwhelming 'YES, GET THAT CAKE!' Somehow I guess this made me in charge of acquiring the cake so I stopped into Giant Eagle after work that day to order it to make sure it was going to be done in time. I told the lady exactly what I wanted, a 1/4 sheet cake chocolate with white icing, put a rainbow and a unicorn on it and the phrase 'You're dead to us now, we hope you fail'. The lady thought it was funny but didn't object so I thought we were good to good.

Until Monday morning at 7:30 am when my phone started ringing. Who the hell would be calling me at this hour? I never answer my phone so I waited until it went to voice mail. It was Giant Eagle and they wanted me to call them. I did and I guess a different lady told me they would not write those words on the cake. Why not? There is no foul language or anything and I am paying you money. Her reason was they just wouldn't do it. It was offensive to them. They would make the cake, put the graphics on that we wanted but the only thing they could do was give us a frosting tube with it to write what we wanted ourselves. I was seriously offended. I'll tell you right now that I will not be buying a cake from Giant Eagle ever again and I will discourage anyone I hear thinking of going there to follow my lead. Yeah maybe this is a small thing but to me a serious one. When I am paying you money to do a job I expect you to do what I require and request. Since when can (note my sarcasm here) a 'cake artist' at the friggin Giant Eagle pick and choose what jobs they are going to do? Really?

Man did my brain go off with some ideas to start flooding them with calls for cakes that I knew they would get upset about just to mess with them to ease my annoyance. Congrats To My Teenage Daughter On Her First Period! was a good one. Let your mind flow I bet you can picture that. I let it go though. It wasn't worth it but I did feel a needed to document this affair and warn the world.

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