Wednesday, January 15, 2014


I thought we had a networking solution last year when we bought a new router that had capabilities to attach an external hard drive. It seemed to work at first. We could get to all of our files, stream videos to our devices and FTP in remotely to access things but then weirdness started. Files we know that were there or updated starting disappearing. This was particularly troublesome when we were trying to do the bills. Permissions kept giving us trouble. We couldn't delete or move things sometimes and there seemed to be no consistency on what or why. We needed another solution.

Ale did some research and found this, a NAS server for home use by QNAP. I had thought about getting a server in the past but I was hesitant as I wondered if I knew enough about it that I could keep it operating 100% of the time. Ale seemed confident so we went with it. We had to buy our own hard drive for it but that wasn't an issue. It all came in a few days and we started setting it up. Best. Decision. Ever. The thing works like a charm. It has an awesome management interface that we can get to over the wifi at home or over the internet away. It has an app for about any use that the system can do which makes things super easy. No more having to go through the crashy Windows Explorer interface. It is giving us no issues moving, copying, deleting anything so far. No files have been lost and it still even has a port for external drives so we don't have to burden it with gigs upon gigs of video files. We just moved the documents and pictures over and it's been like a dream. I wish I knew about it sooner. Just read that website about the stuff it can do. If you are looking for a place to store all your files where you can access them anytime, this is what you want.

Now if we can just find an awesome picture solution to tag and sort through all my folders of pictures. I like Picassa by Google but it seems to be a single machine solution and not for a networked environment. QNAP has a picture app that is functional but doesn't have the tagging and other bells and whistles that Picassa has.

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