Tuesday, October 11, 2016

South Park

No, not the cartoon. I mean the neighborhood in Pittsburgh.

I kind of kicked off the summer in North Park with that triathlon so it's kind of funny that I am winding down the summer with a 5K in South Park.

I've never been here before but it's another huge park that has so many things going on in so many places it would take a long time to check it all out. We started at the fairgrounds. What did we start you ask? Get this, the Xtreme Air 5K. Yes this is another 5K but what is different about this one is that in the course of the 5K there are 12 inflatable obstacles in the way that you must navigate through. As soon as I discovered this I was like 'Yes!'. This looks fun. I was not disappointed. Saturday Oct 1st was probably the funnest day of the year for me.

Having anxiety I wanted to make sure we got there in time but as I have discovered in the past, we left a little bit too early and had to sit around for a while before my start time of 9:15am hit. Before I left I noticed around 9am that no one who had left in the 8am wave had come back yet. (The start was right next to the finish) A couple people did come in before I took off but that got me thinking what the heck is going on that it takes people over an hour to run a 5K? I would soon find out.

The most horrible thing that has ever happened to me happened (I'm exaggerating) and I don't know how I didn't get more upset about it then I did. When it was finally time for me to start I got in line and got my Runkeeper app ready to record this. I swear I hit the button then shoved my phone in my pants. I did not discover until after I finished that I failed at this task. This is the first run ever in the modern age that I did not accurately record. Only because I knew when I started, when I finished and the distance of a 5K was a okay with this for my records. I am disappointed I don't have a map of the route I ran because I will never be able to figure that out but it's not the end of the world.

I started out and immediately got stuck behind a couple of gigglepigs. Apparently there were people that somewhat took this seriously and some that didn't care all that much. I did not see too many people running. It was jog to the next obstacle, take your time getting over it, then walk to the next one. Well as far as I was concerned it was a 5K so I was running. I don't care what everyone else did. There were at least 2-3 obstacles where there was actually a line and I had to stop and could not proceed because there were people in there not getting through very quickly. A couple were super muddy and one had a huge puddle of water. I had to go back and run and jump so I could clear it.

My main concern the whole time was getting an awesome video of me coming down the last slide. Ale ran around the last obstacles and was able to get that for me. She is so awesome!

I got a medal and the t-shirt came after you finished which was weird. I thought for a second to go again but we just left instead.

We went down the street to a local place which was pretty good. Gil's Diner. We got breakfast there and then I looked up breweries. The gods shine on me! We are literally 3 miles from Spoonwood brewery and it opens at 11:30am. This was awesome! We hung out a while and then drove up there.

I thought it would be a little sad for me to be in the parking lot of the brewery 5 mins before they open but it was all good. There was literally already a line of people. Like 5 cars were waiting. They opened the door and we walked right in. This place was nice, and big!

We got a spot at the bar and I told the lady samplers of your first 5 beers on the menu. Let's just do it that way. They have excellent beer! This place is definitely in my top 5. I only brought one growler just in case. I didn't expect this but I would have to get another one here. I will probably never be this way again so I need to cash in. The growler is high quality. Fancy lid. They even have a machine that fills them. You just put the bottle in it, close the door, pick which beer you want and boom. This pipe comes down and it just goes like zoop and it's full up to the millimeter.

Except for my GPS driving me back up through the city instead of back the way we came this was the most excellent day. I would say this is the best day of the year for me. I was so pleased with how everything went, I was happy and I knew it. I do not get like that often so it was super nice.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

September 2016 may have been the best month of my life

I had a bunch of stuff scheduled for this month. I did not know how much was really going on though. Around the middle of the month I was like 'Damn'. I decided I should write this all down and make a blog post about it. I tried to put everything that I could recall happening here.

  • Got tattooed
    • Hung out with Danimus
  • House related
    • Met with builder
    • Scheduled lot evaluation
    • Got loan preapproval
  • Got an ultrasound on my neck due to weird, scary pains
    • They say they found nothing
  • Went to Danny's 3rd birthday party
  • Saw WEIRD AL at the Benedum
  • New Weird Al cartoon, Milo Murphy's Law, came out
  • Went to the PT Fall Festival parade
    • Pax's first parade
    • Boys got their picture in the paper
  • I biked a bunch
  • I ran even more
    • Steelers 5K
      • Best time ever!
    • Greensburg 5K
      • Even better time!
      • Post race after party with free beer!
    • Gabby 5K
      • She's not dead!
  • Went to my first BEERFEST!!
    • I drank a ton of new beers (not only at this event but all month in general)
  • Went to the eye doctor
  • Took Pax to his 18 month doctor appt
  • We paid our school taxes for the year
  • Finally paid off the loan for our property
  • Went to a ton of new restaurants
    • Michael's Neighborhood Griddle
    • Ricks
    • Abruzzi
    • Hugos
  • Checked out the new bike shop in Greensburg, Flat Tire
  • Watched the first presidential debate
  • Steelers season started!
  • Bought tickets to go to Joe Louis arena
  • Started bingeing Luke Cage
  • Got a new credit card with the fancy, secure chip in it
  • Got myself the new iPhone 7
The best thing didn't happen until Oct 1st so I will write that into it's own post.