Wednesday, October 5, 2016

September 2016 may have been the best month of my life

I had a bunch of stuff scheduled for this month. I did not know how much was really going on though. Around the middle of the month I was like 'Damn'. I decided I should write this all down and make a blog post about it. I tried to put everything that I could recall happening here.

  • Got tattooed
    • Hung out with Danimus
  • House related
    • Met with builder
    • Scheduled lot evaluation
    • Got loan preapproval
  • Got an ultrasound on my neck due to weird, scary pains
    • They say they found nothing
  • Went to Danny's 3rd birthday party
  • Saw WEIRD AL at the Benedum
  • New Weird Al cartoon, Milo Murphy's Law, came out
  • Went to the PT Fall Festival parade
    • Pax's first parade
    • Boys got their picture in the paper
  • I biked a bunch
  • I ran even more
    • Steelers 5K
      • Best time ever!
    • Greensburg 5K
      • Even better time!
      • Post race after party with free beer!
    • Gabby 5K
      • She's not dead!
  • Went to my first BEERFEST!!
    • I drank a ton of new beers (not only at this event but all month in general)
  • Went to the eye doctor
  • Took Pax to his 18 month doctor appt
  • We paid our school taxes for the year
  • Finally paid off the loan for our property
  • Went to a ton of new restaurants
    • Michael's Neighborhood Griddle
    • Ricks
    • Abruzzi
    • Hugos
  • Checked out the new bike shop in Greensburg, Flat Tire
  • Watched the first presidential debate
  • Steelers season started!
  • Bought tickets to go to Joe Louis arena
  • Started bingeing Luke Cage
  • Got a new credit card with the fancy, secure chip in it
  • Got myself the new iPhone 7
The best thing didn't happen until Oct 1st so I will write that into it's own post. 

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