Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Your non-caring really bugs me

Ok here is a bloggy thing to blog about - A Cause. This is something that really bothers me and I want to set the record straight as far as my stance and what I feel about this.
Why is it that people think it is okay to litter and throw their cigarette butts on the ground (or where ever) when they are done smoking? Don't they know that is disgusting? I will not abide while you think there is nothing wrong with that. It seems to me that even people that are against littering in general don't have much of a problem with cigarette butts, like they are exempt for some reason. It is not hard at all to pop out the remaining burning part when finished and put the butt in the trash, your pocket, the ashtray, anywhere but the ground!!

It is because you can just walk away from it and not have to see what you've done that makes it okay? I don't understand this behavior and I feel bad for us and the planet that this is something that is almost acceptable. You throw your McDonald's bag on the ground and a cop might write you a ticket for littering (or at least make you pick it up!!) but you flick a butt in the grass and hardly anyone bats an eye?! I wonder if you'd pay attention if when stopped at a stop light and you flick your butt out the window if I got out of my car behind you, picked it up off the ground and flicked it back in your car.

I'm more concerned with this writing to speak more about the littering aspects of this habit rather than go off about everything else but I will say that it's about time that the education about the harm of cigarette's is getting around. It took long enough but I can say with the way things are going every 10 years the number of smokers should be half. I have great confidence that, despite the somewhat inconsiderate smoking habits that the mother of my son has shown in the time I knew her, Isaac will probably never pick up this vice. Maybe as we go along more people will care about this issue.

At least there is something that those of us who are bothered by this can do now, today! There is a website, Litterbutt.com that allows you to create a log in and submit license plate info for people who see who throw their butts out the car window. There is more info there about how it works and what they do with it (Sends them a polite letter that basically says, HEY, WE SAW THAT, DON'T DO IT AGAIN PLEASE!) but I encourage everyone to go to this site and participate. If these people don't think anybody cares what they are doing then they will just keep doing it. A tiny little thing that could do so much good if everyone just did it.

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  1. Alejandra likes this. (Oh, wait, this is not Facebook)
