Thursday, May 13, 2010

Revacation part 3


We woke up on Sunday and I was hungry. I wanted to go somewhere and get some food. Ale thought it might be a good idea to eat of the free cereal and crap that the hostel had. I was not having any of that. So we got up, got ready and got started on another wonderful day with each other.

I think we just left the hostel and walked to find somewhere to eat. We went to a different part of the city that I didn't see yesterday. There were all kinds of new sights to see. We found an electronics store and we went in because I wanted to see how it compared to what I know. Ale was right when she told me it was more expensive then in the US. They had God Of War 3 for PS3 but they wanted like 400 pesos for it. That would be $100 to me and that's insane! I balk at paying $50-$60 for a new game let alone more than that. No wonder they were all pirates down here. I wouldn't put up with that crap either.

It was quite difficult to find a breakfast place down here for some reason. I guess they really don't eat a normal breakfast like us. Well actually there aren't really that many breakfast places where I live either. We do have Denny's and that but it's in the south where all the Ihops and Waffle Houses are. We did eventually find a place that seemed pretty nice called Quincy's and they had wifi which was good. (I had to put my phone in airplane mode so I wouldn't rack up any international roaming charges so wifi spots were the only places I could check my email and catch up on my 'online' life) The place was empty. I guess they were gearing up for the lunch rush but we went in and took a seat and soon a guy came and took our order. I needed to get an omelet. That's the kind of food Marc eats for breakfast. Ale was not pleased with the prices at this place but I told her we were on revacation and not to sweat it. However much it cost, it was very good. When we walked out of there I felt very satisfied.

We started walking again when we left and I got to see a lot more of the city. I would have never ever guessed that there was a Chinatown in Buenos Aires. We had a very specific destination in mind but that is really not something I'm going to go into here. Let's just say the next few hours were very awesome.

Now it was time for some of the famous Buenos Aires ice cream that Ale always was telling me about so we found a place called Volta which was one of the most popular places to get it. For an ice cream place it was super fancy. The store was neat and all the employees wore the same fancy brown uniform which made them look like chefs almost. One of the gimmicks here was for all the million flavors they had, there were no markings or signs on the containers. I guess the major part of training here was to learn where everything was. We each got a small container and you could pick 3 flavors to put in it. Whatever you told them they knew exactly where it was which was kind of cool. I forget what flavors I picked but they were all super delicious.

We went back to the hostel after eating our ice cream because we had to get cleaned up for our special night out. If all would have went as planned I should have been here on Valentine's Day and we would of had a nice dinner and everything so since this was revacation we were going to have a revalentine's day dinner. There is a touristy place out by this waterfront area that is full of restaurants called Puerto Madero. So we got showered and all dressed up and went down there to check it out. It was very nice especially at night. We explored and got our picture taken on the 'Puente de la Mujer'. The restaurants went up and down the sides of this body of water and we stopped and examined all their menus to see where we wanted to go. We eventually picked the place called Spettus because I wanted steak. That is what I always expect to eat for dinner on this particular holiday and I figured I'd better get that out there now. It was pretty awesome. They gave you this disc that was green on one side and red on the other. As long as you kept the green side up these guys kept coming to your table with these huge hunks of meat on skewers and would shave you off a piece. Each one had something different and although we kind of just did this the night before at her parent's house it was still super awesome and delicious. Again I didn't know what half the stuff was. Ale told me but it didn't really matter. Some of it tasted 'off' but for the most part I probably could have lived there the rest of my life here eating their food and gotten real fat before I died.

We were both stuffed when we left that place so we walked out of that area to the main road and got a taxi back to our room. Every day just kept getting better!



  1. LOL, you can live at the restaurant and become an attraction, like Homer.

  2. Oh, and the "no signs on the ice-cream containers" goes for most the ice-cream places here
