Friday, June 11, 2010

Revacation part 4


We woke up Monday morning and it was time to check out the hostel. I ran around and took some more pictures so I would remember this place. You could get up onto various places on the roof from where we were so I went exploring. There really wasn't too much going on up there but boys always like climbing on stuff. We so got ready, packed our stuff up and checked out. It was about 15 blocks or so to Ale's house and she suggested we take a taxi but I thought we could handle it plus it would be good exercise to walk. My arms were aching a bit carrying all my luggage with me but it wasn't that bad when we arrived.

Her mother made us lunch of the meat that was leftover from the night before and then we geared up and grabbed a bus to downtown. Today was the day we were going to take the city bus tour. We got close and got off the bus (the transportation one). We were in a huge pedestrian area and it was packed. It must be lunchtime around here. I think this area around Florida St was called El Centro. I wanted to get my souvenir buying out of the way so I steered us over to some shops. I found some good stuff here. I got my mom a nice shirt and some other crap that said Buenos Aires on it that I thought she would like. My sister wanted a postcards so I got her one and also a shot glass. I didn't find the perfect thing for Isaac yet but at least with them out of the way I only have to worry about him now.

At the end of one of the streets we came out in this triangle area and it was there that the tour bus and its ticket booth was. Ale went in to get the tickets but came out to sadly tell me that they were sold out for the day. That was not good that would mess up our whole day. I wonder what we should do now? 'Good day' I heard. Who? It was some little British woman and her husband. She must have heard us talking and wanted to help. They had already gone on the tour so they wouldn't need their tickets anymore so she straight up gave them to us. The tickets were not like get a ticket, take one ride on the bus and you're done. No these tickets were good for 24 or 48 hours from when you bought them so you could use them over and over until they expired. This made sense to me later since there were lots of stops on this tour, you could get off anywhere and go exploring. When you were done you found the stop and could get back on without having to buy another ticket. Well all right then we were good to go. We got in the queue and waited for them to let us on.

The tour bus was pretty kick ass. There was an upstairs that was open but Ale thought it was too sunny and she didn't want my hairless scalp being torched. I wasn't worried about it but I just trusted her judgment. I like that I can do that with her. So we just sat in the main part which was right in front of a monitor. There were headphones available too. You put them on and the narrator would describe what you were viewing as you passed it. What I thought was crazy was how many languages they had available. When you put your headphones on you had to jack in to the audio. On the ceiling were the ports and you just found what language you know and plug in there but I swear the ports section was 2 ft long. There must have been 15 different languages there. Normal ones like English, Spanish, French but there was also Portuguese and Hebrew and ones I was like whoa, that's crazy.

The tour itself was epic. It lasted hours and we went all over the city, back and forth. I took about a million pictures of statues. Why? I don't know. I think that's the kind of thing you're supposed to take pictures of when you go on vacation. There was one part of the tour we had to variate from the path due to those protesters. The police had some roads blocked off so we had to skip one part and go a different way but that really didn't affect my enjoyment of any of it. It was very fun and I saw a lot of great stuff that made me extremely happy we did this. Plus we were together. That was the best.

Hours later when the tour was done and we got off the bus we jumped right on Subway A to go see the Congress. (That was the part of the tour that was cut out). Plus it's right next to where Ale works. 5 blocks or something. That became a running joke with us. Everywhere we were she tried to describe something that was near us and it was always like 5 blocks that way is this and 5 blocks that way is that. No matter where we were. It started to become really funny and I started doing it too. :D

We stopped at a cool Burger King to grab a quick bite because I was getting hungry. It was the only time I think I ate 'normal' food while I was there. It was cool because it was like a 3 story Burger King. Quite impressive.

We kept on walking until we hit the center of the town where the obelisk was. This was one of Ale's favorite places to be. A huge Washington monument thing rose from this Central park area and it was awesome. There was a sitting area below it for people to stop and relax and take in all the sights. I really liked it there too and that would be one of the main places I would have to go see again if/when I go back.

Later that night we went back to Ale's to have Passover dinner. (That is some kind of Jewish thing, I think it is when Jesus saved the Easter Bunny) I was nervous of being in the middle of this huge party meeting all of her family that want to know who this strange Americano is and why can't he talk to us and a million questions but it wasn't like that. Her cousin Diego spoke a little English so we had a few words and I did meet everyone but luckily for me his kids were the center of attention. Once everyone saw me that only wanted to play with the babbies. That was cool. I didn't mind at all. I was happy to meet everyone and let them know that I was hoping to be part of their family someday. It did make me sad that I didn't learn more Spanish so I could speak with them better but I'm still trying (slowly). I have no doubt I'll get there eventually. So we ate and partied and had a great time well into the night. We had to be at the bus station though by midnight so we could get to Mar del Plata so we called a taxi, grabbed our things and left before it was totally over. As fun as everything was up until now I had even more crazy stuff to look forward to.


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