Thursday, June 24, 2010

Revacation part 6


We woke up and went down to the hotel dining room to get us some free breakfast buffet. Being free meant of course that there was nothing really good there. It was just a bunch of little desserts and things and some cereal. We still filled up as much as possible to get us moving. We want to try and hit the beach again.

We stopped on the way at the Human Body exhibit. It happened to be right here in Argentina while I was here. I missed it when it was in Pittsburgh. I don't think I actually tried that hard but now that it was here we could see it together. How cool is that? Well, while it was neat it wasn't like the greatest thing we've ever done in our lives. We saw a lot of dead people and their guts. If you like that kind of stuff then for sure go see it. I would think it would be a must for school children to attend like for health class or something. In fact there was a tour of them in there at the same time as us. They were not dead. You could hear the teachers pointing and talking to individual things telling the kids more information. If I had it to do over, not sure I'd be in the mood to do it again. We blew thru it in less than an hour and got out of there.

Oh it was definitely nicer today outside. A lot warmer, not super hot mind you but at least you could hang out and get in the water without freezing (The water here must come up from even further south because it is freezing year round). There were more people here today. We walked to this shop and bought one of those beach mat thingies to sit on. I took a lot of awesome pics of the environment up and down the beach trying to capture the atmosphere. There was a guy in the water trying to wind surf but he kept falling down so that was funny.

We went back out on the street for a walk to start sight seeing. I found a nice store right away that had souvenir shirts for small boys. I finally found what I was looking for to get Isaac! A Mar De Plata t-shirt. (PIC) We kept on walking down the beach seeing what there was to see and I got even more awesome pics. Some of the best were at this high point where you could almost see forever down the beach in either direction. We sat on this wall and took pics of both of us from all sorts of angles. It was awesome. These are some of my favorite pics that we got. (PIC)

We walked back to our home base area at this point and got some lunch. I was knocking out all the awesome Argentinian dishes that I wanted to try and I finally got to have some milenesa at Montecatini (she got the chicken I got the beef, both with eggs). After we ate we stopped in Italia and got some Cannoli which was this amazing ice cream thing. It was a churro covered with ice cream that was filled with peanuts and all with a chocolate shell around it. It was so good and super hearty but I could barely finish it I was so stuffed from everything.

There were more touristy things to do further down the beach at the port. So I let Ale drag me along to a bus stop to take about a half hour ride down the coast. I saw houses with actual yards and stuff which was cool. This is stuff I was used to rather than straight 100% city all the time. We got there and we right next to this circular plaza. Nothing really interesting here so we walked a bit down the road to the actual port. Here it turned into a pedestrian area with a bunch of souvenir shops and you could see about a million boats on the water. Where the concrete ended by the water there was another level underneath for the boat people to get to their boats I guess. That is where the sea lions were. There must have been at least 20 lying there sleeping. I wondered being so close if they would ever attack someone if they got in range but there were boat people walking back and forth and neither of them seemed to pay each other any mind. The fun thing to do while looking at them is to say 'Hey' to someone and point and go 'That one looks like you'. That was good fun to do that.

We left there and I found the perfect little trinket for my mom (even though I already bought her some stuff) and we found a dock that gave a tour via boat. We looked at the time and we were here right at the time we needed to be. We bought some tickets and hopped on. While is was a nice tour, it was the slowest damn boat I had ever been on in my life. We only went out and made a huge circle around the bay but damn. We sat on the top at first but it got chilly so we went down inside. There was a spot on the shore where more sea lions were. There must have been 200 of more at this spot. I wondered how they climbed up the rocks to get where they were.

When we got back we grabbed the bus back to the beach and went back to Manolo's to have submarino. I guess to tide them over until dinner since everyone eats so late, the popular thing to do is get warm milk and a chocolate bar for a snack. You stir the chocolate in the milk until it melts and then you drink it. I was happy to be doing these cultural things. We went back to our room after that and I think we were so tired we didn't even go back out for dinner that night.


1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy you're writing this blog thingie, baby!! <3 <3 <3
