Monday, October 27, 2014

Mentoring Field Trip and More

It is the time of year that we take our field trip for my mentoring group from work. We meet like every other month and one of the last meetings of the year we do something fun out of the office. I do not know who picked it or how it got approved but I honestly am standing here applauding right now for the people who did make where we went this year happen. Last year we did a tour of the other MSA facilities at Evergreen and Rockpointe. A nice field trip no doubt but still a bit too tied to the work environment. This year we went to Wigle Whiskey in Pittsburgh and then across the street to Mullaney's Harp & Fiddle for some food. Now that is something to get excited about!

I had to find a way to get down there as I was not driving in the downtown area in my car. No way. I thought at first it was only 2 miles away for some reason but it was actually 4. That is a bit too far out for walking. I was told to email some people to try and get a seat in one of their cars but I had a better idea. I'll just ride my bike. I was in the tour the other week. I have a better idea of the streets around here now. It should be no problem. It would actually work out really well as I had to take another trip to the Apple store because when I woke up that morning it turns out my 1 month old iPhone 6 took a dive off my nightstand and was now smashed.

Luckily it was only a half hour job (but cost $116) to get the screen fixed and I was good to go. I was able to get that handled during lunch.

Now I just relax until a little after 1pm and I'll ride down to the distillery. I was able to stay on the sidewalks for the most part and it wasn't bad. I did get to see that they have a section of Penn Ave ripped the hell up down to one lane and everything was dirt. They must be fixing some serious sewer pipe issues or something. Since it was only 4 miles the trip was over soon and I didn't have to wait long for others to show up.

They gave us a free cocktail to start which was delicious. No whiskey burn at all. It was smooth and awesome. The guy led us into the back and showed us all the equipment used to make the whiskeys and even gave us history on Pittsburgh and Prohibition and stuff. It was all pretty cool. We then sat down at these tasting tables and we had 5 different kinds of whiskey to sample from. Also very awesome! Unfortunately I didn't think ahead far enough I guess. I was unable to purchase any as I had no way of taking it back with me on my bike.

I also found out about this Festival coming up that some of my favorite local companies are involved in. Hopefully I can make it to that.

Even though it was only Thursday this seemed like the unofficial start to my weekend this week. On Friday we had to quickly cram in a stop at Sam's Club in Monroeville so we had some food to cook for when my dad got here. Since the boy had friends over the weekend of his birthday, my dad rescheduled his trip to come over to this weekend. We made it home and got the groceries put away before he got here. He actually walked in right during Freedom Friday which was really just Taco Tuesday but on Friday. We didn't get too crazy that night. Ale was even working on the boy's costume. 

Saturday we started early though. My dad took the boy to get donuts and found out the Jeannette Bakery no longer exists then we burned the trash and made our plans for the day. We would show my dad the property in Claridge that we now own, visit Aunt Dee and then go out to Ligonier for food. I read an article recently that the people who now own the old Hollow restaurant (used to be Sleepy Hollow) have reopened and now call it the Steel Wheel Grille at the Hollow. I wanted to take Ale and sit out on the back where you are overseeing the creek. She would probably like that. 

So when we ready we set out. The property was first because it was the closest. We parked on the road and walked up. It looks the same as it did last time I was here, very woodsy. This time however I tried to go as far up as I could. I never went on the back acre this far and I was impressed. Sure lots of trees were falling down but I bet when I moved in and started cleaning this up things would grow again. I had a ton of firewood if I wanted it. I could landscape this to be whatever I wanted. The boy asked if he could build a fort back here. Obviously you can. Have at it boy. 

When we got ao Aunt Dee's she was already outside with Billy. She says she has glaucoma now so that sucks but besides that she seemed to be doing okay. Jed is currently living in the trailer court in Penn but apparently Zippy was still here. We stayed and chatted for about an hour then headed out.

When we got to the restaurant it was not what I expected. Apparently the huge restaurant part is not yet fixed up enough from when it burned down to be open. Instead they had a little outdoor part open on the side and that was the way it was for now. We sat outside and ordered some food. It was good. There were lots of lady bugs flying around and the boy met a friend who was working on his Minecraft costume. I asked the lady before we left what was going on and she told me they just got the permits approved and now they can go in and first thing they want to do is fix up the bathrooms (currently they have 2 port-a-potties and a sink in the parking lot, Ale was not fond of that) and then they'll go from there. I figure give them the winter to take care of whatever they have to do and maybe by the time next summer rolls around we can come back and see the whole thing. 

On the way I also made us stop at All Saints Brewing to fill up the growlers. They were out of Oktoberfest so that sucked but the 2 beers I did get were awesome anyway. 

We watched the Pens win that night against Neal and the Predators. Fleury got his 29th career shutout. My dad woke me up at 7 in the morning the next day as he was leaving. I thought he'd stick around but whatever that's usually when I try to get us out of there when we visit. He seemed very happy for us, his family, and was glad he visited. I was glad too. 

Too bad he didn't stay. Big Ben set a bunch of records and had one of the greatest days in Steelers quarterback history as he won his 100th game in 150 chances (only the 4th QB to do so) and we beat the Colts 51-34. Recap here.

All in all a great weekend. I made sure to note aloud to Ale several times how happy I was. I love my wife and family!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Not only has it been confirmed earlier in the year that Pax exists as a person, we found out today that he should end up male when he's ready to come out. That is unbelievable. I am super happy. I'd have been happy either way but this is just so awesome. I feel super great now. I like thinking that things are happening, aligning and 'I'm on'. I am absolutely going to buy some lottery tickets right now and ride this!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Trilogy - Part X of 3 - Boy turns 11

The boy's birthday was approaching so I had to think of something special to do for him. He wanted to invite his friends over so even though I suck at talking to people I did my best to try and help him get the word out so this can happen. We did this last year with some success. He wanted to make out his own invitations and pass them out so that was good for me. We made 5 and 3 kids actually showed up and only 1 of them couldn't stay for the sleepover, Ayden and Dylan stayed and Gavin had to leave.

Those kids were cool and nice and I didn't have a problem with them. They only broke 2 things, Isaac's bedroom door and someone stepped on a Disney Infinity character. They played games and Legos and hung out in his room and watched videos on the computer. Due to Ale's pregnancy and relaxed dieting rules we even were allowed to order pizza and make a 'real' cake from a box of Betty Crocker. I haven't tasted anything like that in a while. We ordered way more food than we thought we'd need but they ate it all and drank 2 cases of pop anyway.

It was all very nice and I was very happy that Isaac had a good time. He got some Legos and Minecraft stuff and some gift cards so his friends were very nice.

I even got to eavesdrop on some of their conversations where they tried to outdo each other on how late they stay up at night hiding the fact they play games on their phones all night secretly after their parents put them to sleep. That sounds like a boastful claim I would have made back when I was their age.

Trilogy - Part X of 3 - Indigenous People Day

So I've just wanted to make a note here as I have been alive for quite some time and I have not heard such a backlash before regarding the celebration of Columbus Day. We used to sing happy, funny, rhyming songs about that in school. What the heck does everyone have beef all of a sudden or did I just miss it? I know they are up in arms about changing the name of the Washington Redskins but what's wrong with Columbus Day.

Well apparently instead of being a nice guy and discovering the Americas, etc he was actually a real jagoff. He killed people etc. and the Native Americans really hate him for coming here and starting the whole 'stealing their land' thing. They have been protesting this for a while and apparently some states have already switched over to this new holiday. Well that's something new I learned today. I have no stake in it either way so it doesn't matter to me.

Read more
Even more

Trilogy - Part X of 3 - Tim's Tour

I took my biking TO THE NEXT LEVEL this weekend. I signed up to do a 3-2-1 Ride that was held in Pittsburgh on 2014/10/12.

There were 3 options:
  1. Rita's Tour - Only 7 miles, not what I was looking for.
  2. Metric Century - 62 miles. Maybe a bit much for me yet.
  3. Tim's Tour - 25 miles. Seems just about right.
So I signed up for Tim's Tour. I almost didn't. I was nervous. I couldn't get Joel to commit to go with me. I had my co-worker Neil interested but he had plans to go camping that weekend so he couldn't go either. It wasn't like I couldn't do it myself but it'd be nice to have someone to ride with. My main concern was knowing where to go in riding the streets of Pittsburgh. I've never done it before. I don't know where anything is. I wasn't tired of my regular trails but I definitely wanted to go check out something new, the trails down Pittsburgh. This was my chance. I figured they would have to mark it well enough. When I emailed the lady she assured me that 'No one would be left behind'. That was what I needed to hear. I paid my $25 and filled out the form. I found out later that this was a fundraising thing and I had to commit to another $10 but that was okay. They even had scheduled early packet pick-up at the bike shop right by my work, the one I bought my bike at. So I was able to make it to that and acquire my free shirt, water bottle, stickers, race bib, etc. 

I woke up on Sunday and got ready to go. I was a bit nervous as I hate driving down Pittsburgh but with no home Steelers game today there were no problems. I paid for a spot in the lot rather than park on the road and the stupid toll guy tried to give the wrong change but whatever. Since I was early I got to ride around Heinz Field by myself and it was awesome!! This was fun as all hell. It was a little cold in the shadows of big buildings when the wind blew hard but I'm sure my body would heat up once I started riding in earnest and things would be okay. I was already drinking water and had to pee so there was another pre-race situation where I had to find a place to go. I saw other people searching for restrooms and eventually did find an unofficial place to relieve myself. Now it was ride around until we were ready to start. 

I lined up on the road where it looked like everyone else was lining up. Some lady started talking but I couldn't hear her so I went the whole way to the front so I could. I hoped I was in the right place. And WE WERE OFF!!

I can't describe how much fun it was. It was really fun. I tried to stay in a pack but then I saw people moving up. Eventually I figured I better make a move too or I'll get left behind. We rode on bridges and trails and roads. There were easily visible signs where changes in course were required. I slowed down a bit going up some hills but I never stopped or had to get off my bike. I skipped the halfway rest stop. There was no reason for me to stop. I was able to stay in a pack until the last straightaway and I arrived back at Heinz Field in 2 hours and 23 minutes. People were taking our picture and I felt great. I could keep going. I rode around and saw they had some stuff laid out for us but I wasn't socializing. The whole ride was perfectly documented in my RunKeeper app and that made me happy. I couldn't wait to go home and analyze it and tell Ale all about it. I was surprised that it turned out it wasn't even my longest ride at that point. It was a few tenths of a mile short. 

I loaded up the car and drove home, calling the 6 pack shop to have a sandwich ready for me when I got there to grab some beer for the Steelers game. I made it back just in time. What a wonderful experience. I would absolutely do this again. I'd do it again next week if I could. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Upcoming Comic Book Movies

Wow this list is insane. I am really excited for a lot of movies on this list. 
UPDATED 2014-10-28 Link

May 1: Avengers: Age of Ultron
July 17: Ant-Man
August 7: Fantastic Four (actual title unknown)

February 12: Deadpool
March 25: Batman v. Superman: Dawn Of Justice
May 6: Captain America: Civil War
May 27: X-Men: Apocalypse
August 5: Suicide Squad
Nov 4: Doctor Strange
November 11: Sinister Six

March 3: Wolverine 3
May 5: Guardians Of The Galaxy 2
June 23: Wonder Woman
July 14: Fantastic Four 2
July 28: Thor: Ragnarok
November 3: Black Panther
November 17: Justice League Part One 

March 23: Flash 
May 4: The Amazing Spider-Man 3 (maybe)
May 4: Avengers: Infinity War Part 1
July 6: Captain Marvel
July 13: X-Men? Maybe X-Men/Fantastic Four? 
July 27: Aquaman 
November 2: Inhumans

April 5: Shazam
May 3: Avengers: Infinity War Part 2
June 14: Justice League Part Two

A pril 3: Cyborg
June 19: Green Lantern

Known Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns:
Venom Carnage: 2017?
Spider-Man universe movie with female superhero: 2017? 
Lego Batman: 2017. Not sure if part of DCCU
The Amazing Spider-Man 3: 2018 is a questionable date
X-Force (might be the 2018 Fox Film)
Man of Steel 2 : TBA
Batman : TBA
Gambit: TBA?
Sandman: TBA, not sure if part of DCCU
Justice League Dark: TBA?


Sunday, October 5, 2014

Mario Lemieux 6.6K 2014


I ran this again. This time I trained more definitively. I could do even better. I went once every 2 weeks for 5-6 sessions to the track at McCullough. I ran for 30-50 min each time. It helped me pretty much run the entire time. I think only 2-3 times did I have to slow down to a walk and even when I did it was only for a couple seconds to catch my breath. I was proud but not unexpectedly so that I crushed my time from last year. This was definitely the best run of my life. I was totally on. I was super happy the whole day after this.

I enjoyed running this course better than last year. It seemed easier and not much uphill. My GPS (and I bet a lot of other people's as well) glitched out going through the Armstrong Tunnel but I went to the website after and fixed it as best I can. I don't know what they are thinking with the 2 Bridges, 1 Tunnel motto though.



Bib    Place Class Place Name Age City State              Clock Time Chip Time Pace

1067   930   61  Marc Cartwright, 40, Jeannette, PA            39:09        38:52    9:29
1066  2932  281  Alejandra Cartwright, 33*, Jeannette, PA      56:13     1:18:02      1:13:58   18:02
out of 2955


604  1456  106  Marc Cartwright, 39, Jeannette, PA             42:20    39:49    9:43
603  3841  349  Alejandra Cartwright, 32*, Jeannette, PA     1:12:22    1:07:24   16:26
out of 3977

409  2247  137  Marc Cartwright, 38, Jeannette, PA             51:48    48:12   11:45
408  2899  279  Alejandra Cartwright, 31*, Jeannette, PA     1:05:57    1:02:21   15:12
out of 3051

Ale did great for a person in her condition (which is pregnant). She started to get sick right before it started but then she felt better and walked it.