Monday, October 20, 2014

Trilogy - Part X of 3 - Indigenous People Day

So I've just wanted to make a note here as I have been alive for quite some time and I have not heard such a backlash before regarding the celebration of Columbus Day. We used to sing happy, funny, rhyming songs about that in school. What the heck does everyone have beef all of a sudden or did I just miss it? I know they are up in arms about changing the name of the Washington Redskins but what's wrong with Columbus Day.

Well apparently instead of being a nice guy and discovering the Americas, etc he was actually a real jagoff. He killed people etc. and the Native Americans really hate him for coming here and starting the whole 'stealing their land' thing. They have been protesting this for a while and apparently some states have already switched over to this new holiday. Well that's something new I learned today. I have no stake in it either way so it doesn't matter to me.

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