Tuesday, March 31, 2015

East Suburban Pediatrics

I don't know if I like my baby's doctor, East Suburban Pediatrics.

We had to take Pax there for his appointments. Since we haven't done much research and the guy who delivered him was affiliated with this place it seemed easiest to go with them but I'm not sure I like their attitude.

The first appointment was a few days after he was born and I guess we alarmed them first because we didn't feed him as much as he needed over the weekend because we weren't sure how her milk was working. When they weighed him he weighed even less than when he was born. There was some concern there so they made us come back for another appointment in like three days or something to check his weight again to ensure that we figured it out even though we told them we did. Apparently that wasn't good enough.

We come back for appointment #2 and his weight was fine but now they give us this his temperature is too low stuff. Hey you are the ones who just took off all his clothes and let him lay out in this office naked for 30 minutes. What did you expect? This time they got all alarmed about that and wanted to make sure he went back up to an acceptable range so we had to sit there after we put his clothes back on and wait or they wouldn't let us leave. We sat there and waited 20 minutes then they took his temperature again. It did go up but not sufficiently up enough for them which was irritating. They gave us another 20 minutes but if it isn't up enough this time they are going to insist we go to the hospital. I don't like people telling me what I have to do especially you Doctor Dingess (yes that's her real name). I ended up jamming the baby down my shirt against my skin for 20 minutes which made me start to sweat but then luckily the last time at which temperature apparently it was good enough for them that really irked me and scared me a little bit.

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