Monday, March 2, 2015

New Carpet

I think we were doubtful when we first heard that there were plans to get us new carpet but it happened and we are so happy.

You remember the old carpet right?
So dirty that even after we used one of those steam cleaning machines you rent at the store your feet/socks would still turn black if you walked on it. Plenty of marks and burns and other gross crap as well. That's where it started we told the landlord that we couldn't put the baby on that and it seemed like it was well past time to re-carpet this place. Ale started sewing a quilt thinking this would not come to pass.

We heard before Xmas to look for the end of February and then as that time approached a guy did come over to meet with Chuck and check things out. After that meeting it was definite. We were told we were scheduled for 02/24. Yay! I immediately started moving things off bookcases, etc to make it easier for later. Chuck said he would come over that prior weekend to assist with ripping out all the old carpet. Those 2 days, Saturday and Sunday were pretty crazy. You had to start pulling out the carpet on the edges and kind of cut it down to a strip and just keep going until you got it all. Under that was the padding and you ripped that out next. There were lots of staples holding that in so after that grab a pair of pliers and pull all those out. The amount of dirt that was under that carpet was extreme. In our bedroom we found newspaper from 1976. Even crazier under that was more newspaper, from 1946! We moved out as much stuff as we could shoved it in the back room and in Isaac's room. The only places we could since there either was no carpet or wasn't getting new carpet. It was a messy, dirty job but except for one spot in the computer room where the padding was stuck to the floor underneath, most everything came out pretty easily.

My mom came over and cleaned. That was not pleasant. Although she is a super good cleaner (as you would think someone who has spent every Saturday of their lives cleaning and re-cleaning their home would be) she was super bitchy about it. I was not dealing well with this conflict. If you insist you need to come over and clean that's fine but do we need to hear over and over how horrible you think we are because our house is below your impossibly high standard of clean? I don't think so. That didn't stop her. A couple times we almost started yelling shit at each other but it never exploded. I would like the focus of this article to be on the new carpet but this insane cleaning part has to be explained.

By the end of the day Sunday we had bare wooden floors.

Finally Tuesday came and I took a 'work from home' day from work because I knew I would have to be there to help move furniture around. I was not used as much as I thought I would be but it was still good that I was there. The one guy showed up and seemed irritated that there was still furniture around. Hey man there is no where to put it. What do you think we were supposed to do with it? We forked everything into the living room so they could do the computer room, the stairs and our bedroom. Once that was done we could move everything over to clear that room out. There was really no issue there and the guy did calm down but I thought he was rude and I think with his temper Chuck almost blew up but luckily we kept a lid on it.

Mainly I stayed in the boy's room working on my laptop until I was needed for something. It worked out okay. The other installer guy was nice and kept trying to engage in friendly small talk. In about 5-6 hours they were done and we started putting everything back. Apparently there is a lot of loose fuzz in new carpet because every time I've vacuumed it so far it's filled the canister up with fuzz.

The worst part again I hate to bring this up but my mother came back to iron our curtains or something. She was there when we weren't and when we came back and saw that everything was rearranged in a manner that I knew my mother favored and we got a little irate again. Furniture was moved, things that didn't need touched were touched, she even freaking rearranged our refrigerator magnets. That was quite enough. She insisted she come back to clean the boys room since he missed out on all this but as politely as I could, I declined. Fortunately she didn't push it. What a weird situation I was put in there. We all were grateful for her willingness to help but the way she did it, it was not worth it to us. I'd rather pay someone to come in and keep their damn mouth shut.

We had to make some new rules to keep this carpet as awesome as possible for as long as possible.

  • No eating of any kind. 
  • No drinks unless it's in a container that has a lid. 
  • No shoes. 
  • Someone must vacuum the carpet every weekend without fail. 

Hopefully the baby doesn't puke all over it and ruin it.

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