Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Be Like Marc

I've been searching for a place to dump things like this and although I haven't found the best place yet at least I can start here and make updates until I find somewhere better.

Marc does not care about nor does he want to hear yours or anyone else's opinion on the following things. If he does that will immediately be deleted and ignored.
  • Award shows
  • Sarah Palin
  • Your dog (or pet in general)
  • Ted Nugent
  • Kim Kardashian (or anyone associated with this family)
  • That famous person that literally no one talked or cared about anymore until they just recently died
  • Wendy Bell [added 2016/03/30]
  • Pokemon Go
Think about how big the universe is for a second. Now come back here and read this list. You see what I'm saying? You've wasted your time just reading this much now please go do something that matters to somebody.

*I reserve the right to add anything I want to this list at any time. 

Monday, March 14, 2016

America Great

I'm sorry I just don't understand what is being asked when you hear that we need to make America great again. I have a few questions:

  • What does that mean exactly? Be specific as possible.
  • Why stop at America? Why not make the entire Earth great?
  • How different would you be if you weren't born in America? Would you still want to make America great again if you were born in Russia or Japan or would you want to make that country great?
  • Does making America great also diminish other countries? (a finite amount of greatness available)
  • What has America done for you exactly that you owe it your time and effort ensuring its return to greatness?
  • At what point was it great and at what point did it stop being great?
  • Do we know the cause of its decline in greatness? What exactly?
  • How will you know when it is great again? What measurements are you using exactly?
Thanks for your time. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Politics 2016 part 1

The rise of Bernie and people who actually think Trump would be a good president have been fascinating me lately. I wanted to make sure I wrote down some of my thoughts during this period because believe me, there are many. I read so much and I feel I know a lot but there's still a ton of stuff out there to digest. You can't say anything on the internet because someone can always find something that contradicts what you said and no one can fact check everything. The justifications of some of my Facebook friends for endorsing Trump are downright ridiculous. There is no way in the world we can let that guy win. Although surprisingly I do match up on a lot of the issues with him the fact remains he is not a 'presidential material' type of person and this is obvious to anyone who has ever heard him speak. He is racist and a braggart and a spoiled rich bully. No matter what other circumstances there are, when you get to this part you should know to stop and write him off. For god sake's they talked about the size of their penises in the last debate. WHAT ELSE DO YOU NEED TO HEAR?!? This is not supposed to be an entertainment show that's goal is the highest ratings! This is supposed to pick the next president of the United States!

On the other hand you have Bernie Sanders. I'm proud to have known about him prior to his rise in this election cycle. I will be the first to admit that he has had some slip ups and in no way do I think it's possible that he going to be able to accomplish even 50% of the things he talks about but that is not the point. The point is that he has these ideas when no one else has. The point is that these are ideas that the American people agree with and have not heard from any other candidate in a long time. The point is other civilized countries have these things going on and we do not and our standard of living is suffering because of it. People will say they are crazy but they are not. We have heard crazy for so long from everyone else that now sane is being pointed out as crazy but I repeat, IT IS NOT! The billionaires are running the show and that is a fact. Nothing else can be fixed really until that can be stopped and it's good Bernie has made that singular issue the focus of his campaign. I trust no one else to do that. I am seriously getting emotional thinking about it. I can't believe people are listening to him. I can't believe his message is getting through despite the massive media blackout on his campaign.

No matter what happens the mainstream media acts like it's been over the whole time and Hilary is a shoe-in. Bernie keeps winning though and you hear almost nothing about it. Not unless you're looking for it. It's amazing if you think about it. How can so many people be for this but you never hear anything about it? (Hint: think billionaires) Even the Democratic party themselves are crooked. You can tell Hillary has spent the last couple years dotting her i's and crossing her t's to get the proper people in the proper places to be able to handle getting her to where she wants to be. Bernie is still here even with that going on too!

I made my first 2 political donations ever to this man and I will probably give again if he can keep this up. I can't imagine a world where one of these rich, war-hawk jabronies win. It will be a continuation of the same old. Take away our rights little by little. Rich get richer. Poor get poorer. More divide. More war. More environmental destruction. Attacks on women's rights. Cops killing our citizens with impunity. I can't live like that anymore. None of us should have to.

It's not just Trump either. Everyone on the GOP side is an obvious sleazeball. Clinton is no better. She talks a good game but she is a liar. Her past actions prove that. Bernie has been nothing but consistent his entire life and it's wonderful he has the chance to give this to the world. That they are finally seeing it. I seriously can't believe he's come this far. That it's happening. He could fix everything. (At least he can start us on the path to fixing everything) This can only happen if everyone votes. The higher the turnout the better chance he has and that is obvious from what I've seen so far as well. I don't know what else to say. This may be the greatest thing to happen during my lifetime and I'm proud to be a part of it. Go Bernie! Save America! Save the world!


Friday, March 4, 2016

Pax Is 1

Pax has turned one year old. We did it! We were able to take such good care of him that he is still alive one year later! We are super proud! I don't think I've ever been happier. Every time he looks at me I have to smile and be happy because I want him to smile and be happy too. It's a nice positive feedback situation to be in for sure. I think I have done a half decent job recording his life progress so far in my database. He will know things like; the first time he rolled over, sat up, stood, hold his own bottle, climbed the stairs, took steps, took a sip of beer, etc, etc. We also probably have 5 billion pictures and videos of him. It's ridiculous really. Everyone loves him because he is so cute. I can't wait to see how this next year pans out. What else will he do / learn? All I know is that I will do all that I can do be the best parent possible for him.